by 1UPDS | Jun 16, 2020 | 1UPDS News Feed!
While I am a fan of all of the systems. I tend to sway more to the PC world than the console world. Most of my friends and I bought a PlayStation 4 for the sole reason of Spider-Man 2018. Credit To: With the announcement...
by 1UPDS | Apr 30, 2020 | 1UPDS News Feed!, YouTube Spotlight
It’s been a while since we have promoted a YouTube Spotlight here on 1UPDS, but with the current global situation, sports have been shutdown. For those who need a laugh and need a sports fix. We recommend Chiseled Adonis! YOUTUBE...
by 1UPDS | Mar 15, 2020 | 1UPDS News Feed!
An enterprising creative would take this time of people choosing to/being forced to isolate themselves and assault their streaming services for content and news…. If only there were a production group who was able to aid in the production of these endeavors…there...
by 1UPDS | Feb 20, 2020 | 1UPDS News Feed!
So as you all know we have been rather quiet for the last few months. Things inside 1UPDS have been changing. While we continue to push new content and working with our friends to bring you comedy. We also have a push in a new direction. More information to...
by 1UPDS | Oct 23, 2019 | 1UPDS News Feed!
For those who are fans of Battlefield 5 big news came this morning with the release of the new trailer for “War in the Pacific”. This is a free update for those who already own the game. DICE has added new multiplayer maps (Some are classics) Pacific Storm...
by 1UPDS | Sep 2, 2019 | 1UPDS News Feed!
For those who live in the State Of Texas, we are getting some new laws and some updated laws. Here is just a few that stood out to me. There are 820 of them! Carry your handgun during a disaster House Bill 1177 will allow people to carry their handguns — even if...