Disney Reportedly in Talks to Purchase 21st Century Fox

If you missed this conversation lets bring you up to speed! According to CNBC, The Walt Disney Company is reportedly in negotiations to purchase most of 21st Century Fox. From what was reported most of the talks with Disney has been about acquiring most of the...


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Team4Star Removed From YouTube!!

Team4Star known for the Dragon Ball Z Abridge Series, was removed from YouTube today. For  “TeamFourStar has been terminated because we received multiple third-party claims of copyright infringement regarding material the user posted”  While they always...

Game of the Year?!?

This Sunday, 1Up Weekend will go over the Nominees for Game of the Year and so many other Categories.  Even 1Up Definitive Studio will have it own version of Game Of The Year! We want to hear your opinion on what you think should have made the list! Here is some of...