That’s right you read this right, 100% free game from Humble Bundle, but for a limited time. 24 Hours are left (3AM CST 9/15/17) What is PSYCHONAUTS? Psychonauts, was developed in 2005 and was released on the XBOX, PS2 and PS3. The story is set in fictional...

Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon – Wildlands Beta Review!

Tom Clancy’s known author for Red October, Clear and Present Danger, The Sum of All Fears and many more books. In 1996 Clancy Co-founded the video game developer “Red Strom Entertainment” later to be bought by Ubisoft Entertainment. Starting with...

Mighty Morphin Power Ranger: Side Scroll Game!

Bandai Namco announced yesterday that in January of 2017 it will be releasing a brand new game for the PS4 and XBox One. This will be a side scrolling beat-em-up style game. Based on the 90’s TV series, Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. With all orginal 5 power...

Gamers On a Budget

If you have ever watch 1Up Weekend Live you have heard us speak about gaming on a budget. With Steam Summer Sales, or Game Stop doing some kind of promotional item. But for the most part we talk about our love for Humble Bundle! This website allows you to buy games in...

Game of the Year?!?

This Sunday, 1Up Weekend will go over the Nominees for Game of the Year and so many other Categories.  Even 1Up Definitive Studio will have it own version of Game Of The Year! We want to hear your opinion on what you think should have made the list! Here is some of...