Destiny 2 PC Moving to Steam!

Destiny 2 PC players this is going to affect you so read up! Blizzard announced that the Destiny 2 will be moving off the platform to Steam October 1st. So if you are a current owner of this game you will need to link your accounts so it will transition...

Brain Colin – Video Game Designer

Where you a fan of Rampage, General Chaos (I was), or Spy Hunter. Let’s Play Gaming Expo Guest Brian Colin explain his history in the development of these iconic games for back in the day. Hear his story about how he was apart of the movie Rampage based on the...

1UPDS PC Game Giveaway!

With the new studio build out, come weekly giveaways for those who join us LIVE! This week 1UP Crew is giving away a Free Copy of Dead Rising 2! Requirements to WIN! Steam Account Computer…(As its a computer copy) WATCH LIVE! This Saturday ( Feb 16th, 2019...

Humble Bundle Free Game No. 3

Humble Bundle has done it again, FREE GAME – and background. This game has some background for me, (Towa) when I worked for Game Stop, it was underrated and unknown. Due to a bad trailer and no push THQ. Do you remember Tiger Direct? This computer...

Humble Bundle Stikes Again!

First off Happy Thanksgiving! While eating my body weight in food, an e-mail comes across my screen from Humble Bundle with another free game! So let’s keep the broadcast going! CLICK HERE FOR YOUR FREE GAME! Special Thanks to Humble...

Humble Bundle FREE GAME!

For a limited time only, Humble Bundle is giving away Brutal Legend 100% FREE! Get it now, even if you don’t need it…. IT’S...